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Small Head Syndrome: Unveiling Causes & Empowering Solutions

Small head syndrome, or microcephaly, is a condition characterized by a smaller than average head size due to abnormal brain development. Learn about causes, symptoms, and management options for this neurological condition.

  • Neurology
  • Neurosurgery Treatment

By Mitali Pawar

26th Mar '24


Microcephaly can be congenital, present at birth, or acquired, meaning it develops after birth. Genetic mutations and chromosomal abnormalities cause congenital microcephaly. Or even due to infections during pregnancy or exposure to toxins.

Acquired Microcephaly is caused due to brain infections, brain injury, and neurodegenerative diseases. Or due to specific medical treatment.

Most cases of small head syndrome in adults are due to acquired causes, such as trauma or exposure to certain toxins.

Symptoms of Microcephaly vary depending on the underlying causes. For eg. intellectual disabilities, developmental delays, difficulty with coordination and balance, and facial abnormalities. Also, the treatment options depend on the underlying causes. Like physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and medications.

Now that you know what it is, let's dive deep into the causes and symptoms of Small Head Syndrome in adults

Causes of Small Head Syndrome in adults

Small head syndrome, also known as microcephaly, is a condition in which an adult's head circumference is smaller than expected for their age and gender. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

Genetic conditionsSome genetic conditions, such as Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, and certain chromosomal abnormalities, can cause microcephaly.
Brain injuryTrauma to the brain, such as a head injury or stroke, can result in microcephaly.
InfectionsCertain infections during pregnancy, such as rubella, cytomegalovirus, and syphilis, can cause microcephaly.
Environmental factorsExposure to certain toxins or radiation during pregnancy can cause microcephaly.
Unknown causesIn some cases, the cause of microcephaly is unknown.

It is important to note that microcephaly can be present at birth (congenital) or it can develop after birth (acquired). In some cases, the cause of microcephaly may not be identified and the condition may be classified as idiopathic.

It is also important to note that some of the causes of microcephaly may be associated with other medical conditions or developmental delays. 

In summary, Small Head Syndrome or microcephaly in adults can be caused by genetic conditions, brain injury, infections, environmental factors, and in some cases the cause is unknown. It can be present at birth or develop after birth, and it is crucial to seek medical advice and get a proper diagnosis if you or someone you know is dealing with small head syndrome.

The cause of Small Head Syndrome in adults is also known as Microcephaly. It can be further divided into two categories: Congenital and Acquired.

  • Congenital Microcephaly: It's a condition present at birth and can be caused by genetic mutations or chromosomal abnormalities. Infections can also cause congenital Microcephaly during pregnancy, such as rubella, cytomegalovirus, and toxoplasmosis, or exposure to certain toxins, such as alcohol or lead.
  • Acquired Microcephaly occurs after birth and can be caused by various factors. For eg. brain infections, brain injury, or neurodegenerative diseases. Specific medical treatments, like radiation therapy or chemotherapy, can also cause Acquired Microcephaly.

    There could be cases where the cause of Small Head Syndrome in adults is unknown. It's called Idiopathic Microcephaly.

Symptoms of Small Head Syndrome in adults

Symptoms of Small Head Syndrome in adults are also known as Microcephaly. It can vary depending on the condition's underlying cause. Some common symptoms may include the following:

Intellectual disability

Many adults with Microcephaly have cognitive impairments, including lower-than-average IQ scores and difficulties with learning, memory, and problem-solving.

Developmental delays

Many adults with Microcephaly have delays in reaching developmental milestones, such as sitting, standing, and walking.

Difficulty with coordination and balance

Some adults with Microcephaly may have difficulty with fine motor skills and coordination, leading to clumsiness and an increased risk of falls.

Facial abnormalities

Some adults with Microcephaly may have distinctive facial features, such as a small forehead, a small jaw, and a small nose.


Some adults with Microcephaly may experience seizures.

Speech difficulties

Some adults with Microcephaly may have trouble with speech or language development.

The symptoms of Small Head Syndrome in adults can vary greatly. And not all individuals with Microcephaly will experience all of these symptoms. Also, some adults with petite head sizes without Microcephaly may not have any symptoms.


Diagnosis of Small Head Syndrome in adults

The diagnosis of Small Head Syndrome in adults begins with a physical examination where the head circumference will be measured and compared to standard measurements for age, sex, and ethnicity. If the head circumference is more than two standard deviations below the mean, it is considered Microcephaly.

Additional diagnostic tests that may be performed to confirm the diagnosis and identify any underlying causes include:

Imaging tests

such as a CT scan, MRI, or ultrasound, can be used to examine the brain structure and identify any abnormalities.

Genetic testing

can help identify any genetic mutations or chromosomal abnormalities causing Microcephaly.

Neurological examination

can be used to assess cognitive function, motor skills, and reflexes.

Blood tests

can be used to check for infections or exposure to toxins.

Other tests

such as EEG to evaluate the brain activity and look for seizures, or a lumbar puncture to check the cerebrospinal fluid.

The cause of Small Head Syndrome in adults is unknown, called Idiopathic Microcephaly. Further testing may be needed to rule out other possible causes.

Don't let small head syndrome hold you back! Learn how physical, occupational, and speech therapy can help improve your quality of life.


Treatment options for Small Head Syndrome in adults

There are several treatment options for adult patients with small head syndrome, also known as Microcephaly. These include:

Physical therapy

It can help improve muscle strength, coordination, and overall function and mobility.

Occupational therapy

It can help patients learn to perform daily activities, such as dressing and eating, with limited abilities.

Speech therapy

It can help patients improve communication and swallowing abilities.


Certain medications may be prescribed to help manage symptoms such as seizures or behavioural issues.


In some cases, surgery may be recommended to help improve the patient's condition.

Treatment plans for Microcephaly will vary depending on the specific case and the patient's individual needs. It is recommended to consult with neurologists in India from the best neurology hospitals to develop the best treatment plan.


Prognosis and outlook for adults with the small head syndrome

The prognosis and outlook for adults with Small Head Syndrome (Microcephaly) can vary widely. It depends on the severity of the condition and any associated medical issues. Some individuals may have mild symptoms and be able to lead relatively everyday lives with the help of therapy and support. At the same time, others may have more severe symptoms and need significant help.


Individuals with Microcephaly may experience developmental delays, intellectual disability, and motor skills and coordination difficulty. They may also have trouble communicating and are more susceptible to seizures and other medical complications.

The life expectancy for individuals with Microcephaly can also vary widely depending on the severity of their condition and other associated medical issues. Some individuals may have an average life expectancy, while others may have a shortened lifespan.

Microcephaly can be caused by various factors such as genetics, infection, or environmental factors. Therefore, a detailed evaluation by a geneticist or neurologist is essential to understand the cause and the implications on the individual's prognosis.

The prognosis and outlook for adults with small head syndrome depend on the specific case and the individual's unique needs and abilities.

The small head syndrome doesn't have to limit your life! Learn about the support and resources available to help you thrive.

Coping with the physical and emotional challenges of the small head syndrome

Coping with the physical and emotional challenges of the Small Head Syndrome

(Microcephaly) can be difficult for both the individual affected by the condition and their loved ones. Here are some tips for coping with the physical and emotional challenges of Microcephaly:

Seek support

Joining a support group for individuals with Microcephaly or a related condition or speaking with a therapist can provide a sense of community and understanding.

Learn as much as you can

Understanding the condition and its effects can help you better understand what to expect and how to manage any difficulties that may arise.

Stay active

Regular exercise, physical therapy, and occupational therapy can help improve physical function and overall well-being.

Be patient with yourself and your loved one

Living with a condition like Microcephaly can be difficult, so you must be patient with yourself and your loved one as you navigate the challenges together.

Access services

Reach out to your local government or non-profit organizations to find out what services are available for individuals with Microcephaly. They may offer financial assistance, education, and other services that can help improve quality of life.

Consider respite care

Respite care can provide caregivers with time to rest and recharge.

Take care of yourself

Caring for a loved one with Microcephaly can be emotionally and physically taxing, so taking care of yourself is essential.

Uncover the truth about the small head syndrome and how genetics play a role in its development.

Genetic components of the small head syndrome

Small head syndrome, also known as Microcephaly, can have a genetic component. Genetic causes of Microcephaly can be inherited in different ways, such as:

Autosomal recessive inheritance

It occurs when an individual inherits two copies of a disease-causing gene, one from each parent.

Autosomal dominant inheritance

It occurs when an individual inherits one copy of a disease-causing gene from one parent.

X-linked recessive inheritance

It occurs when a gene located on the X chromosome causes the condition and is usually passed from mother to son.

Mitochondrial inheritance

It occurs when a genetic disorder is caused by mutations in the DNA of the mitochondria, which is the part of the cell that generates energy.

Many genetic causes of Microcephaly are rare, and not all cases of Microcephaly are inherited. Microcephaly can also occur due to environmental factors. For eg. infection or exposure to toxins or as a complication of other medical conditions.

A genetic evaluation by a geneticist or genetic counselor can help identify the cause of the Microcephaly and its implications on the patient and their family. The genetic assessment includes a detailed family history, a physical examination, and genetic testing such as chromosomal analysis and exome sequencing.

Knowing the cause of Microcephaly can help predict the prognosis, recurrence risk, and appropriate management options. It also allows for genetic counseling and education for the patient and their family.


Long-term effects of small head syndrome on 

Impact on physical and cognitive functioning

Small head syndrome, also known as Microcephaly, can have a wide range of effects on an individual's physical and cognitive functioning. The potential long-term impacts of Microcephaly can vary widely depending on the severity of the condition and any associated medical issues.


Physical effects


  • Delays in motor development, such as difficulty sitting, crawling, walking, or standing
  • Delays in speech and language development
  • Problem with fine motor skills, such as feeding and dressing
  • Increased risk for seizures
  • Increased risk for hearing and vision impairment
  • Increased risk for respiratory infections
  • Increased risk for scoliosis and other spinal problems
  • Difficulty with balance and coordination



Cognitive effects


  • IIntellectual disability
  • Delays in cognitive development
  • Difficulty with memory and attention
  • Problem with problem-solving, reasoning, and abstract thinking
  • Difficulty with social interactions and communication

The effects of Microcephaly can vary widely depending on the condition's cause and severity. In some cases, the consequences may be mild, while in others, they may be severe. With early intervention, therapy, and support, the effects of Microcephaly can be mitigated to some degree, but the affected individuals may require help throughout their life.

It's also worth noting that individuals with small head syndrome may have other associated conditions such as cerebral palsy, autism, and other genetic syndromes. These conditions can also affect the long-term effects of Microcephaly.

Small head syndrome can affect physical and cognitive functioning, mental health, and daily life. Learn more about it here.

Impact on daily life and mental health

Small head syndrome, also known as Microcephaly, can significantly impact an individual's daily life and mental health. The severity of these impacts can vary widely depending on the severity of the condition and any associated medical issues.


Physical impacts

  • Limited mobility and independence
  • Difficulty with daily activities such as dressing, feeding, and grooming
  • Increased risk for medical complications
  • Increased risk for seizures
  • Increased risk for hearing and vision impairment
  • Increased risk for respiratory infections
  • Difficulty with balance and coordination
  • Increased risk for scoliosis and other spinal problems


Cognitive impacts

  • Intellectual disability
  • Delays in cognitive development
  • Difficulty with memory and attention
  • Difficulty with problem-solving, reasoning, and abstract thinking
  • Difficulty with social interactions and communication
  • Difficulty with learning and academic achievement


Emotional impacts

  • Low self-esteem
  • Difficulty with social interactions and communication
  • Difficulty with self-care and daily activities
  • Difficulty with self-expression and understanding others
  • Difficulty with understanding social cues and norms
  • Difficulty with forming and maintaining relationships
  • Difficulty with understanding and expressing emotions


Mental health impacts

  • Increased risk for anxiety and depression
  • Difficulty with adjusting to a new reality
  • Difficulty with accepting the condition
  • Difficulty with accepting the disability
  • Difficulty with accepting the social implications
  • Difficulty with accepting the emotional and mental health impacts.

Individuals affected by Microcephaly may require support in their daily life and may face barriers to accessing education, employment, and social activities. They may also have an increased risk of social isolation. It's necessary to provide emotional support and counseling to the individuals and their families, as well as support them in accessing services that can help improve their quality of life.


How can small head syndrome be prevented in adults?

Prevention of Small Head Syndrome in adults can be challenging as it depends on the condition's underlying cause.

Genetic Microcephaly

Acquired Microcephaly

Early genetic testing and counseling: 

For individuals with genetic microcephaly, prevention is not possible as it is inherited from parents. However, early genetic testing and counseling can help families plan for the care and support of the affected individual.

Minimizing Exposure: For individuals with acquired microcephaly, prevention is possible by avoiding or minimizing exposure to the underlying cause. For example, if the cause is a certain infection, such as rubella or cytomegalovirus, ensuring that you are vaccinated against these viruses can help prevent small head syndrome. If the cause is a brain injury, taking steps to prevent head injuries such as wearing helmets while biking or playing contact sports can help prevent small head syndrome.

Early diagnosis and intervention can minimize the impact of the condition and improve the quality of life. Regular check-ups, monitoring of head circumference, and genetic counseling can help early detection of microcephaly.

In summary, the prevention of Small Head Syndrome in adults depends on the underlying cause of the condition. For individuals with genetic microcephaly, prevention is not possible, but early genetic testing and counseling can help families plan for the care and support of the affected individual.

For individuals with acquired microcephaly, prevention is possible by avoiding or minimizing exposure to the underlying cause. Early diagnosis and intervention can also minimize the impact of the condition and improve the quality of life.

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Question and Answers

Its been 5 months,post stroke treatment,urinary incontinence, not feeling of hunger

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After someone has had a stroke, they may not be able to control their bladder and bowel movements. This can result in them wetting or soiling themselves accidentally. One of the reasons for this is that the brain may not be sending the right signals for feeling hungry either. The problem could also be due to damage from the stroke affecting this part of the brain. It would therefore help if you talked with your doctor about it. They could think of ways to help you such as through exercises or drugs. 

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I am 30 years old. I had anxiety for 4 months and nerve damage like sciatica pain for 2 months and lower abdominal back pain and upper front pain for 3 days, today it's getting worse.

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The stress and nerve pain that you are experiencing might cause muscle tension which results in discomfort in various parts of your body. The stomach ache as well as the pain in the anterior part could be associated with heightened awareness in your nervous system. To alleviate these symptoms, it is important to deal with both anxiety and nerve issues. Try doing mild stretches, and deep breathing exercises or seek help from healthcare providers who know how to manage such conditions.

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Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I’m 25 year old men, I have fever & feeling something is stuck in my front neck plus I have finger numbness and chest stiffness

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The rise in temperature with the sensation that something is lodged in your throat may be an infection or an inflamed area within it. On the other hand, having your fingers get numb while experiencing tightness around the chest could also imply bad blood flow or nerve-related issues. You must take a break, drink a lot of water, and see a doctor so you can receive proper medication. 

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The pain you feel could be caused by stress, not enough sleep, or even dehydration. Try to drink water, lie down in a calm place, and massage your temples gently. If it doesn’t go away or gets worse than before please consult with your doctor immediately.

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Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

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